Charge Dismissed

Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon — Charge Dismissed

Case Description

Our client, a decorated Vietnam War veteran suffering from PTSD, became the victim of a road rage incident that escalated into a dangerous confrontation. In an act of self-defense, he was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after the perpetrator followed him off the freeway. The situation quickly turned dire as our client faced serious legal consequences for protecting himself.

Legal Strategy

We acted swiftly, gathering evidence and presenting a compelling case to the Grand Jury, emphasizing our client’s need for self-defense in the face of imminent danger.


The challenge lay in proving that our client’s actions were justified under the circumstances, particularly given the severity of the charge and the involvement of a deadly weapon. Overcoming the prosecution’s portrayal of the incident as an unprovoked attack required a thorough presentation of the facts.


Our prompt action and thorough presentation led the Grand Jury to NO BILL the case, meaning they found no probable cause to indict our client. As a result, the charges were dropped, and our client was spared the stress and consequences of a criminal trial, allowing him to continue his life with his honor intact.