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Top 10 Questions to Ask Criminal Defense Attorney
Drug Crimes


We Can Fight Your Houston Drug Charges

If you have found yourself up against drug charges in Houston, Turnbull Legal Group can aggressively defend your rights and pursue the best possible outcome in your case. We are thoroughly familiar with the state’s drug laws and will build a strong defense strategy tailored to your unique situation.

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Former State District Court Judge and Chief Prosecutor


Get the Aggressive Defense You Deserve

We understand that drug charges are not just allegations — they are a very real threat to your freedom, your future, and your reputation. That is why we do not back down from tough cases. We believe in challenging the prosecution at every juncture and seeking every possible advantage to protect your rights.

Our firm’s founder, E.R. "Ned" Turnbull, is a former State District Court Judge and Chief Prosecutor. His experience brings a one-of-a-kind practical understanding of both sides of the legal process, which our attorneys put to good use. We know Texas drug laws inside and out, and we will use that knowledge to craft a personalized defense that reduces your chances of a conviction.

Meet Our Team
founder Edward Randolph 'Ned' Turnbull portrait

E.R. "Ned" Turnbull

E.R. "Ned" Turnbull, the Managing Partner of Turnbull Legal Group, a former State District Court Judge and Chief Prosecutor, brings extensive experience and leadership to our law firm. He's recognized for his legal knowledge and skills, community service, and commitment to justice.

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  • Award Appellate Court Division Judge
  • Award Appelate Court Rules Committee Judge
  • Award Member Harris ocunty Criminal Lawyers Association
  • Award Governor's Judicial Commendation
  • Award Executive Department Proclamation
  • Award State Bar of Texas
  • Award National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyer
Table of Contents

The Reality of Drug Crimes in Texas

Drug crime statistics in Texas reveal notable trends and challenges in the state's fight against drug-related offenses.

According to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), there were 88,651 arrests for drug abuse in 2020. The Texas Tribune reports that methamphetamine has made an unwanted comeback and that meth fatalities are way up across the state.

Additionally, research from the National Institutes of Health indicates that opioid-related overdoses have risen sharply in Texas since the global pandemic, contributing to the broader opioid crisis affecting the United States.

Comprehensive Defense for Houston Drug Charges

Our firm provides robust legal defense for a wide range of drug charges in Houston, including the following:

  • Drug Possession
    Possession of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, prescription drugs, and other controlled substances.
  • Drug Manufacturing and Cultivation
    The production, processing, or growing of illegal drugs.
  • Drug Distribution and Trafficking
    The sale, transportation, or intent to distribute controlled substances.
  • Prescription Drug Offenses
    Offenses like forging prescriptions, obtaining drugs through unlawful means, and possessing prescription medications without a prescription.
  • Drug Paraphernalia Charges
    Possession of items used for the consumption or distribution of illegal drugs.

In some cases, a defendant may be charged with more than one of these crimes, requiring versatile and effective legal representation.

Strategic Drug Crime Defense

A strong defense that takes into account the unique circumstances of your case is paramount. Here is how we approach each drug crime case we take on:

Thorough Investigation

Our seasoned team will conduct a comprehensive investigation of your arrest, examining physical evidence, police reports, and witness statements to identify any weaknesses in the prosecution's case.

Protection of Your Rights

We will do everything in our power to safeguard your rights throughout the legal process. This may involve challenging illegal searches and seizures or working to suppress evidence that was obtained unlawfully.

Strategic Negotiation

Our attorneys are skilled negotiators who will engage with prosecutors to seek the most favorable outcome for your case, whether it be reduced charges, alternative sentencing, or even dismissal.

Trial Preparation and Defense

If your case proceeds to trial, we will meticulously prepare your defense and present a compelling case to the jury, pushing back against the prosecution and advocating for your innocence.

What Constitutes a Serious Drug Offense in Houston?

Texas takes a hard line on drug offenses, and what might be a minor possession charge in another state could lead to serious penalties. The severity of a drug offense and whether it is classified as a misdemeanor or a felony depends on several factors, including:

Type of Drug

Texas classifies controlled substances into different penalty groups, with penalties increasing based on a drug's lack of accepted medical use and potential for abuse.


Even with less serious drugs, larger quantities can lead to more serious charges, often shifting from simple possession to possession with intent to distribute.

Presence of a Weapon

If a weapon is involved during a drug offense, it can result in enhanced charges and additional penalties.

Prior Convictions

Past drug convictions on your record will likely lead to harsher penalties if you’re convicted of a new offense.

If you have recently been charged with a drug crime in Houston, it is critical to contact a drug crime attorney as soon as possible. They can assess your situation, analyze the charges against you, and help you understand the potential consequences.

The Texas Controlled Substances Act: How It Affects Your Case

The Texas Controlled Substances Act is the primary law governing drug offenses in the state. It plays an integral role in defining what constitutes a drug crime, classifying drugs based on their medical value and risk of abuse, and determining the associated penalties for each offense.

Understanding this legislation is essential for mounting an effective defense against drug charges in Houston. Our attorneys know this complex law inside and out and can apply their skilled interpretations to protect your rights.

Understanding the Penalties for Drug Charges in Texas

As mentioned, the Texas Controlled Substances Act governs drug offenses in Texas and sets out a system of penalties based on the type and amount of the substance involved. It is important to understand how these classifications and quantities impact the severity of drug-related charges.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of drug penalties based on quantity:

Drug Type (Penalty Group) Possession (Less Than 1 Gram) Possession (1–4 Grams) Possession (4–200 Grams) Possession (200 Grams or More) Trafficking (Specific Quantities Vary by Drug)
Penalty Group 1 (heroin, cocaine, LSD, etc.) State jail felony (180 days–2 years) Second-degree felony (2–20 years) First-degree felony (5–99 years) First-degree felony (5–99 years) First-degree felony (5–99 years)
Penalty Group 2 (methamphetamine, PCP, amphetamines) State jail felony (180 days–2 years) Second-degree felony (2–20 years) First-degree felony (5–99 years) First-degree felony (5–99 years) First-degree felony (5–99 years)
Penalty Group 3 (anabolic steroids, ketamine, Xanax, etc.) Class A Misdemeanor (up to 1 year) State jail felony (180 days–2 years) Second-degree felony (2–20 years) Second-degree felony (2–20 years) Second-degree felony (2–20 years)
Penalty Group 4 (compounds and certain prescription drugs) Class A Misdemeanor(up to 1 year) Class A Misdemeanor(up to 1 year) State jail felony (180 days–2 years) State jail felony (180 days–2 years) State jail felony (180 days–2 years)

Other factors can impact penalties, as well. For instance:

  • Prior Convictions
    Past drug convictions can lead to enhanced penalties.
  • Location
    Possession near schools or playgrounds may result in harsher sentences.
  • Intent to Distribute
    If the State can prove that you possessed the drug with the intent to sell or distribute it, it may impose stiffer penalties.

Keep in mind that this is just a general overview of Texas’s drug laws. It is always best to consult a qualified criminal defense attorney to understand how the law applies in your specific situation.

What Are Some Defenses for Drug-Related Charges?

It is important to know that there are defenses available for the charges listed above. Our experienced defense attorneys will explore every possible option in your case, including the following:

Illegal Search and Seizure

This defense challenges the legality of the search warrant or the actions of law enforcement during your arrest. If the police conducted an illegal search or seizure, the evidence they obtained may be inadmissible in court, potentially weakening the prosecution's case.

Lack of Probable Cause

This strategy argues that law enforcement lacked sufficient reason to stop, detain, or arrest you. If the police did not have probable cause to believe you were involved in criminal activity, their evidence may be deemed inadmissible.

Chain of Custody Issues

This approach focuses on demonstrating that the evidence against you was mishandled or tampered with. If there are problems with the chain of custody (the documented history of the evidence from the time it was seized to the time it’s presented in court), it could damage the prosecution's case.


A defense of entrapment applies when law enforcement officers induce someone to commit a crime they would not have otherwise committed. To establish entrapment, your lawyer must show that the police initiated the crime and persuaded you to participate.

Medical Necessity

In certain cases, it may be argued that you possessed a controlled substance for legitimate medical reasons with a valid prescription. However, this defense is very limited and requires strong evidence.

The empathetic legal professionals at Turnbull Legal Group can outline the defense strategies available in your case and assess their likelihood of success.

Secure Your Future — Get a Free Consultation

A drug charge conviction can have life-altering consequences. Do not wait to start building your defense. Contact Turnbull Legal Group today for a free, no-obligation consultation.


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Why You Should Put Your Faith in Turnbull Legal Group

There are numerous reasons to entrust your drug crime case to Turnbull Legal Group. Our legal team offers clients all of the following advantages:

Proven Track Record

We have a long history of successfully defending clients against drug charges in Houston and throughout the state. Our knowledge of Texas law and courtroom strategy has helped many clients protect their freedom.

Relentless Advocacy

We are known for our unwavering commitment to our clients' rights. We are prepared to challenge the prosecution aggressively and fight hard for the best possible result in your case.

Clear Communication and Guidance

We believe in building strong relationships with our clients. We will explain the legal process clearly and provide ongoing support and guidance, ensuring that you stay informed and feel confident throughout the process.

    The Turnbull Legal Group Difference
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    Don’t Risk Your Freedom — Get Legal Help Now

    Texas takes drug charges seriously, and so should you. Contact Turnbull Legal Group today to schedule a free consultation and let our dedicated team stand up for your rights.

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    Additional Resources for Texans

    If you have found yourself burdened by drug charges, it is important to know that you are not alone and that there are resources available to help you through this difficult time. We have compiled some helpful information to offer further guidance and insight as you navigate the legal system:

    Finding Help and Support: Resources for Domestic Violence Victims

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can a drug possession arrest record be expunged?

    While expungement of criminal records is possible in Texas, it’s not always automatic for drug possession offenses.

    Texas law allows for the expungement of certain offenses, including some drug possession charges, if the defendant is not charged or convicted or if the charge is dismissed. However, expungement is not necessarily a given, and certain felony drug offenses are not eligible.

    Speak with a lawyer to determine whether you qualify for expungement based on the particulars of your case.

    What happens if I'm arrested for a drug offense?

    If you are arrested for a drug offense, you will typically be taken to the local police precinct, where you will be fingerprinted, photographed, and processed. You will also be informed of your rights, such as the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. You may be eligible for bail, which is a sum of money posted to ensure your appearance in court.

    What’s the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony drug offense?

    In Texas, drug offenses are classified as either misdemeanors or felonies, with the classification based on the type of drug involved and the amount possessed. Misdemeanor drug offenses typically involve possession of smaller quantities of certain types of drugs, and penalties can range from fines to short periods of jail time.

    By contrast, felony drug offenses involve more serious drugs, larger quantities, and/or intent to manufacture, distribute, or sell. Penalties for felony drug offenses can be severe, ranging from lengthy probation to significant prison sentences.

    Can I be drug tested without my consent?

    Drug testing without consent is not generally allowed in Texas. However, there are certain exceptions to this rule, such as:

    • Pre-Employment Drug Testing
      Employers can require drug testing as part of the hiring process, but they must comply with specific state laws.
    • Drug Testing for Government Employees
      Government employees are subject to drug testing under specific circumstances, as outlined by state regulations.
    • Drug Testing in Specific Industries
      Certain sectors, such as transportation, make drug testing mandatory for safety reasons.
    • Drug Testing as a Condition of Probation
      A judge may order drug testing as a condition of probation for someone convicted of a drug offense.

    Your lawyer can explain the procedures and legality of drug testing in Texas in greater detail.