Charges Dismissed

Theft in the Aggregate of Less than $30k & Fraud — Charges Dismissed

Case Description

Our client was in a tough spot, facing a serious felony charge for allegedly stealing around $20,000. Multiple complainants came forward, accusing her of taking out loans with no intention of paying them back. To make matters worse, a former business partner also accused her of fraud. It seemed like the odds were stacked against her, but we knew there was more to the story.

Legal Strategy

We went to bat for our client, arguing to the DA that she hadn’t committed any crimes. We provided solid proof that the fraud accusations were baseless and made the case that the loans were covered by contracts — making this a civil, not a criminal, matter. We made it clear that if this went to court, we’d likely win.


The biggest hurdle was convincing the DA that this wasn’t a criminal case but a contractual dispute. The stakes were high, with felony charges on the line, and we had to work hard to shift the DA’s perspective.


After presenting our arguments and evidence, the DA agreed to dismiss the case, but only on the condition that our client make restitution. Our client complied, and with that, all charges were dropped, allowing her to move forward without the weight of a felony hanging over her head.